Diet Mistake #2: This Mistake Means Failing Before You Start

One of the more damaging diet mistakes that people often make is seeing everything in strict “black or white” or “all or nothing” terms.

They believe that they MUST stick to the diet plan PERFECTLY, or else!

One wrong move and it’s all over!

Have you done this too?

It’s a nice sentiment, and the people who do this have the best intentions, but it’s just not realistic. Our lives aren’t so rigidly defined, so this rigid approach to dieting is nearly impossible to maintain, unless you have superhuman willpower. (Most of us don’t, unfortunately.)

If you try to force yourself to be perfect, you will feel as if you are walking on eggshells all day long. Everywhere you turn, there will be temptations threatening to ruin your perfect eating plan.

You won’t be allowed eat out because the restaurant certainly won’t have meals that are tailored to your plan.

Forget going to a friend’s wedding, baby shower or any kind of party.

Forget sporting events where beer flows like water and the delectable scent of hot dogs and popcorn permeate the air – *gasp*!

This “all or nothing” mindset will make you feel like you have to hide in a cave for the next 6 months if you want to have the slightest hope of succeeding.

Sometimes it’s not even the dieter that creates this rigid mindset – plenty of diet programs make you think that one wrong move will send you skidding right back to “fatville”.

So, what’s the solution?


Most diet plans are supposed to be followed daily – but there is also a little wiggle room as long as you don’t overdo it. For example, let’s say you have a big event this Friday night and you want to splurge a little.

There are plenty of ways to fit a higher calorie day into your plan, like eating slightly less during the early part of the week; or working out a little longer each day to create a bigger calorie deficit.

The important thing to remember is that your diet plan doesn’t have to be so rigid. You don’t have to live in a cave, or run screaming from temptations. Just do your best to stick to the plan, but even if you need to readjust a little bit, it’s okay.

Use common sense, be flexible yet moderate in your choices, and you should remain on track to your goal weight.

Click here to continue to Diet Mistake #3 (of 6)

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