Diet Mistake #6: We’ve All Made This Diet Mistake

We’ve covered a lot of ground over the past few pages – and maybe you personally haven’t made all of the diet mistakes we’ve explored… but I bet you’ve made this one: GIVING UP TOO SOON.

Anyone and everyone who has ever gone on a diet has probably given up at least once, right? It’s human nature to quit when the going gets tough. As depressing as that sounds, don’t let it get you down. There are a few things you can do to make sure you never quit again:

– One Moment at a Time

Sometimes when you’re tempted to give up, you can hang in there by taking things a moment at a time. Rather than worrying about what comes tomorrow or the day after, just focus on getting through this day – or even one little moment at a time. Keep repeating to yourself, “Right NOW I will not quit. Right now I choose to hang in there and keep moving forward.” Before you know it, another day has passed and you’re still on track, hooray!

– Be Your Own Cheerleader

Positive self-talk can go a long way in motivating you to stay on track too. Try a little pep talk like this: “I’m not going to give up this time, I’m just NOT. I can do this. I believe in myself. I know I can achieve anything I want. I’m much stronger than I think; all I have to do is keep working at it little by little and I will succeed.”

– Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

There’s a great Japanese proverb that states, “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” In other words, never stop trying! If you fall down (sabotage your diet or otherwise make a mistake) just pick yourself right up and keep on going. Make a promise to yourself that no matter how many times you have to start again, you will keep doing so until you SUCCEED at your goal.

Keep reminding yourself that you cannot possibly fail… unless you quit! That’s the only true failure, whether it pertains to diets or anything else.

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