Fat Burning Strategy #2: Start Your Day by Doing This

Did you know that there is one simple thing you can do first thing in the morning that will set the tone for your fat burning efficiency all day long?

Yet, too many people skip this simple step and set themselves up for a slow, sluggish metabolism.

Give yourself an edge by EATING BREAKFAST!

During the night your metabolism slows down and more energy is directed to repairing and recharging your body. When you wake up, you need to help kickstart your metabolism again and the best way to do that is by eating something.

The best choices for breakfast are:

– Lean protein

Eggs are a great source of energy for your body. Yes, they do have cholesterol, so if that’s a concern for you, you can separate the yolk and eat just the whites. Here’s a tool that makes egg separating easy and less messy.

– Complex carbs

Whole grain toast, high fiber cereal, or oatmeal are all great choices for breakfast and they are quick and easy.

– Fruit

Bananas are great for fiber and potassium; berries are packed with anti-oxidants and have less sugar than most other fruits; citrus fruits are excellent for helping your body burn more fat; and avacados are a great source of monounsaturated fat which is heart healthy and satisfying (yes, avacado is a fruit, not a vegetable).

If you’re not a morning person and can’t stand the thought of preparing a big meal first thing, try these simple fixes:

– Prepare the night before

After dinner, take a few minutes to hard boil some eggs and place them in the fridge for easy access in the morning. Cook oatmeal ahead of time and store in the fridge also. Set the table with the dishes and cutlery you’ll need for breakfast so all you have to do is grab the food from the fridge and sit down at the table to eat.

– Grab & go

You can also pack breakfast foods so you can grab them, dash out the door, and eat during your morning commute. Good choices would be breakfast “burritos” containing eggs and vegetables wrapped in whole grain tortillas, bran muffins (make your own so you can control the fat and calorie content), and of course, the portable snack: fruit.

Here are 5 quick and healthy breakfast ideas that you can make in under 10 minutes (so, no excuses)

Bottom line: If you aren’t used to eating breakfast it may seem like a chore at first, but you’ll quickly come to love the burst of energy that a healthy breakfast can provide – not to mention noticing how much easier losing weight seems to be when you give your metabolism a wake up nudge first thing in the morning.

Click here to continue to Fat Burning Strategy #3 (of 6)

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