Fat Burning Strategy #5: Do This Several Times a Day

You probably already know that regular exercise is a key element in boosting your metabolism – but the question that may be on your mind is, is it better to workout in one long session or split it up into shorter sessions more frequently throughout the day?

The answer is: both can be effective.

Yes, longer workout sessions are great for burning calories because the longer you work out and the more intense your activity is, the more calories you’re going to burn.

However, shorter workout sessions are great too – especially if you do them frequently throughout the day because they keep your metabolism running faster.

So, how do you fit in all this activity?

Let’s look at a sample schedule:

Let’s say you work a traditional 9 to 5 job, and you usually go to the gym from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. During that hour you are alternating between cardio 3 times a week and weight training twice a week.

That’s a common plan that, when combined with a healthy diet, can be effective for weight loss.

But you don’t have to stop there, either.

What if, during the course of each day you could squeeze in another 30 minutes of cardio?

You can either do it in one stretch, like taking a brisk 30 minute walk during your lunch hour, or split it up into short 10 minute bursts.

Here’s an effective walking workout you can do indoors. All you need is 15 minutes, a small space indoors (a living room will do), and a smile….

Walking isn’t the only activity that can help boost your metabolism, either.

Take a look at these:

– Weeding your garden for 30 minutes can burn an extra 200 calories.

– Swimming laps for 30 minutes can burn more than 400 calories.

– Bicycling vigorously for 30 minutes can burn another 300+ calories.

Other ways to get more exercise include:

– Taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

– Playing with your kids in the back yard.

– Parking your car farther away from your destination.

– And picking up the pace when you walk – rather than strolling, you could step faster and keep your metabolism revved for much of the day.

It’s really not hard to incorporate more exercise if you just break the habit of inactivity as often as you can.

Did you know that it’s easier to exercise every day vs. three days a week?

Watch this video to find out why, and how, to do it (even if you think you’re too busy to exercise):


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