Diet Mistake #4: All Calories Are Not Created Equal

Years ago the common belief was that a calorie was a calorie, and if you stayed below a certain intake of calories you would lose fat. Today we know that all calories are not created equal.

For example, how well do you think your body would do ingesting 1500 calories of sugar and saturated fat each day?

Probably not great – for one thing you would be malnourished if you did that regularly. It would also be difficult to lose fat on such a poor diet.

Calories are not the only important component for healthy fat loss. Other important considerations include sodium intake, carbohydrate intake (and whether they are simple or complex carbs), fat intake (and what kind of fat), fiber intake, activity level and much more.

To lose fat AND be in good health, you really need to get the bulk of your daily calories from healthful, nutritious foods. Your body needs lean protein, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

Eating robust, nutrient-rich foods like these will ensure two things:

1) That your body has the fuel it needs to maintain all vital functions (which includes providing the energy you need to get through the day, as well as proper function of your body’s organs and muscles).

2) That any weight you lose will be metabolized FAT, not muscle tissue or water.

There is certainly no harm in having a treat here and there, but some of us have been “treating” ourselves a little too much over the years – hence the need for a diet in the first place. Needless to say, a treat should be an occasional enjoyment, not an all-day everyday event! 🙂

There are plenty of healthy “treats” you can enjoy without ruining your healthy eating plan. To name a few… berry smoothies, baked apples with almond slivers, baked whole grain pita chips with garlic hommus…yum!

Find ways to create delicious, yet still nutritious, treats for yourself and you will never feel deprived. You will be getting most of your calories from nutrient dense foods – while still leaving a little room for richer indulgences now and then.

Click here to continue to Diet Mistake #5 (of 6)

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