6 Often-Overlooked Ways to Burn Fat (That Really Work)

Thanks for visiting our Fat Burning Strategies course!

Our goal with these tips is to give you an edge in boosting your metabolism and burning fat, so you can reach your weight loss goals sooner rather than later.

You know, it seems like burning fat and losing weight should be simple. Yet, there is so much conflicting information out there that it’s sometimes hard to know the “right” things to do.

This course is going to help you clear the muddy waters, so to speak, so that in a few pages from now you will have a much better idea about the actions that will help you achieve your goals… even if you’re a beginner.

Speaking of muddy waters, that brings us to…

Fat burning strategy #1: HYDRATION

You’ve probably heard that drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight, but do you know why?

Yes, being fully hydrated allows your body to release water that you’ve been retaining. In fact, during the first few days of ingesting an adequate amount of water, you will notice that you are running to the bathroom frequently.

Don’t worry, that won’t last more than a few days – but be glad about it because what’s happening is that your body is releasing STORED water that it was hanging onto because it was defending against a drought.

When you don’t drink enough water your body MUST retain as much as it can to protect vital bodily functions. When you start drinking plenty, your body says, “Oh, cool, I can let go of this extra water now.” Poof, you immediately lose a few pounds of water (or even more).

But that’s not all.

Water also plays a very BIG role in the fat burning process!

Your liver is the organ responsible for metabolizing fat, and it cannot do that if you are dehydrated. Your metabolism slows down if your liver is sluggish, which means you burn less fat and lose less weight.

So drink up! Most people will need approximately 64-128 ounces of water daily, but you’ll need to drink even more if you work out heavily, if you’re carrying a lot of extra weight, and if you live in a hot, dry climate.

This handy water bottle is great for helping you to track the amount of water you’re drinking during the day. It comes with motivational messages and time markers on the side, to motivate and remind you to drink up. Click here to check it out.

Click here to continue to Fat Burning Strategy #2 (of 6)


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