The 3 Smartest Things You Can Do If You’re Frustrated About Being Overweight

Have you ever felt resentful because YOU had to be the one cursed with a weight problem?

Many overweight people feel this way at times; they look around and see “skinny” people eating all they want without gaining an ounce, while the overweight person has to struggle and sacrifice for every pound lost.

It’s not fair!

These feelings of resentment may be perfectly valid, but unfortunately they aren’t helpful. They simply keep you feeling sorry for yourself, which can severely limit your progress for losing weight.

Here are 3 steps to transform negative feelings into strong motivation and use it to fuel your weight loss journey…

Step One

Be Grateful for the Challenge

Even though it’s frustrating that weight is an issue for you, more important is what you choose to do about it. You can sulk and keep insisting that it’s not fair, but where will that get you?

A better option is to be grateful for the challenge. Challenges may be tough, but they keep us growing! They make us stronger! They help us create much better circumstances than we would have without being challenged.

Take a good long look at your excess pounds today, and thank them for being there. Thank them for stirring your inner strength and determination to strengthen your body and improve your health.

Step Two

Bless the Hard Work

As difficult as it may be at times, bless the hard work you do to shed those excess pounds.

Bless temptation when it comes knocking at your door, for it provides an opportunity to strengthen your willpower.

Bless the exercise you do each day, for it provides an opportunity to strengthen your muscles. Progress would not happen if not for your hard work.

Step Three

Be Proud of Yourself

Cheer yourself on and keep affirming that you CAN DO THIS.

Remind yourself that you are capable of much more than you think.

When you reach a milestone, pat yourself on the back.

When you manage to overcome a moment of temptation, compliment yourself!

If you slip up, don’t beat yourself up over it, just get right back on plan and keep going.

Never look back, only forward.

The greatest secret to overcoming challenges is in realizing that they cannot intimidate you if you don’t allow it. If you instead face them and tackle them to the best of your ability, they can’t hold you back.

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